YURAZ_RSAXEL Script draws the Axel Rudolph levels – script MetaTrader 5

YURAZ_RSAXEL Script draws the Axel Rudolph levels - script for MetaTrader 5
//+——————————————————————+ //|                                                 YURAZ_RSAXEL.mq5 | //|                        Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //|                                               | //+——————————————————————+ #property copyright “2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp.” #property link      “” #property version   “1.00” #include “YURAZ_ClassRSAXEL.MQH” // Class // // Draw the Axel Rudolph levels // OOP void OnStart()   {    Parsing *Pars=new Parsing;    datetime  td=D’1999.01.01′;    Pars.begin(td);    delete Pars;   } below are the … Read more