GMail Reader using MQL and wininet – script MetaTrader 4

GMail Reader using MQL and wininet - script for MetaTrader 4
Description: This script reads your unread GMail messages. Google provide read only access to GMail inbox via secured http protocol. Messages are displayed on chart. Script properties consist of: GMailUserName = “”; GMailPassword = “your_password”; NumOfEntries = 5. The feed consist of maximum of 20 entries of unread messages. It is far easier writing code … Read more

HTTP using WinINet directly in mql4 – script MetaTrader 4

HTTP using WinINet directly in mql4 - script for MetaTrader 4
Author: mapick This is a “conceptual” script I developed to test the WinINet functions to load a HTTP page directly from mql4 The code imports the wininet.dll original windows library, then it calls all the needed functions, as stated in MSDN documentation, simply translating the mql data types: You have only to run the script … Read more