“Native” MQL HTTP Client – library MetaTrader 4

"Native" MQL HTTP Client - library for MetaTrader 4
Author: gunzip <spammmmme@gmail.com> Description: This library implements two simple HTTP GET / POST function to communicate with HTTP servers. It doesn’t require any external dll(s) apart from the standard wininet shipped with win32. Moreover it provides some file upload ability. Put this in experts/include subfolder. Usage: #include <ghttp.mqh> string params[2][2]; params[0][0] = “key1”; params[0][1] = … Read more

JSON Serialization and Deserialization (native MQL) – library MetaTrader 5

JSON Serialization and Deserialization (native MQL) - library for MetaTrader 5
Serialization and deserialization of JSON protocol. The code is ported from a high-speed С++ library. string in, out; CJAVal js(NULL, jtUNDEF); bool b; //— Print(“JASon Example Deserialization:”); in=”{\”a\”:[1,2]}”; out=””; // example of input data b=js.Deserialize(in); // deserialized js.Serialize(out); // serialized again Print(in+” -> “+out); // output for comparison //— Print(“JASon Example Serialization:”); js[“Test”]=1.4; // input … Read more