Hash functions library – library MetaTrader 5

Hash functions library - library for MetaTrader 5
General purpose hash functions: adler32 CRC-32 (fast, table implementation) MaHash8v64 (fast, table implementation) All three functions are adapted for MQL5 Unicode strings. The results has been verified with Fsum Frontend Radix Conversion: from decimal (ulong) to Base radix inverse transformation The radix conversion is based on the following sequence of chars: 10 [0..9] + … Read more

MD5 Hash – library MetaTrader 5

MD5 Hash - library for MetaTrader 5
128-byte algorithm of hashing developed by a professor Ronald Linn Rivest from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1991. The example of using #include <MD5Hash.mqh> CMD5Hash  md5; string str=”Now it is easy to control MQL5 data integrity!”; uchar bytes[]; StringToCharArray(str, bytes, 0, StringLen(str)); // transferred string to the byte array // without the last one\0 Print(md5.Hash(bytes, … Read more