Programming Patterns – Abstract Factory – script MetaTrader 5

Programming Patterns - Abstract Factory - script for MetaTrader 5
Many architectures start with Factory method, then evolve to AF, Prototype, Builder Builder makes complex objects step-by-step. AF makes families of related products. Builder returns the object after all steps are complete. AF returns its object at once. AF classes are often made with Factory Method/Prototype AF can be used instead of Facade to hide … Read more

Design patterns – Abstract Factory – library MetaTrader 5

Design patterns - Abstract Factory - library for MetaTrader 5
//+—————-+—————————————————————————————-+ //|    Abstract    | Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without     | //|     Factory    | specifying their concrete classes.                                                     | //+—————-+—————————————————————————————-+ //|      When      | 1) a system should be independent of how its products are created, composed, and       | //|                | represented. 2) a system should be configured with one of multiple families of         | //|                | … Read more

Design patterns – Factory Method – library MetaTrader 5

Design patterns - Factory Method - library for MetaTrader 5
//FACTORY METHOD ——————————————————————————- // | GROUP // |  | creational // | INTENT // |  | interface for creating an object // |  |  | defers instantiation to subclasses // |  | subclasses decide which class to instantiate // | BENEFITS // |  | aspects of the code that may vary // |  |  | subclass of object that is instantiated // |  | … Read more