Syntax checker – script MetaTrader 4

Check a MetaQuotes Language 4 program for basic syntax errors like unbalanced braces, parentheses & brackets surrounding operators, expressions & array definers.
Also verifies for single quotes surrounding color and date constants, double quotes for string constants and multi line comment symbol pairs.

Set up:

1) Place files into the following subdirectories:

“Syntax checker.mq4” into “\experts\scripts”,

“StringArraySuite.mqh” into “\experts\include”.

2) Close and then re-start MetaTrader for it to find

the new file.

3) Click on MetaEditor, click on “MQL Navigator”, click

on “scripts”, double click on “Syntax checker.mq4” and click on “Compile”.

Input parameters:

Input parameters are described in the comments at the top of the program.

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