Design patterns – Builder – library MetaTrader 5

// |  | for a complex object
// |  |  | separate its construction from representation
// |  |  | same construction process
// |  |  |  | can create different representations
// | APPLICABILITY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |  | algorithm for creating a complex object should be 
// |  |  | independent of the parts
// |  |  |  | that make up the object 
// |  |  |  | how they're assembled
// |  | construction
// |  |  | must allow different representations
// |  |                                         builder
// |  |         |           Director          |o------------>|  Builder  |
// |  |         |-----------------------------|              |-----------|
// |  |         |Construct()                  |              |BuildPart()|
// |  |         | for all objects in structure|                    ^
// |  |         |  builder.BuildPart()        |                    |
// |  |                                                    |ConcreteBuilder|- - - - ->|Product|
// |  |                                                    |---------------|
// |  |                                                    |BuildPart()    |
// |  |                                                    |GetResult()    |
// |  | Builder
// |  |  | abstract interface
// |  |  |  | for creating product parts
// |  | ConcreteBuilder
// |  |  | constructs and assembles product parts
// |  |  |  | by implementing the builder interface
// |  |  | defines and keeps track of the representation it creates
// |  |  | provides an interface for retrieving the product
// |  | Director
// |  |  | constructs an object
// |  |  |  | using the builder interface
// |  | Product
// |  |  | represents the complex object under construction
// |  |  |  | ConcreteBuilder
// |  |  |  |  | builds the product's internal representation
// |  |  |  |  | defines the process by which it's assembled
// |  |  | includes
// |  |  |  | classes that define the constituent parts
// |  |  |  | interfaces for assembling the parts into the final result
// | COLLABORATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |  | Client
// |  |  | creates the Director object
// |  |  | configures it with the desired Builder object
// |  | Director
// |  |  | notifies the builder whenever a part of the product should be built
// |  | Builder
// |  |  | handles requests from the director
// |  |  | adds parts to the product
// |  | Client
// |  |  | retrieves the product from the builder
// |  |
// |  |     aClient                               aDirector           aConcreteBuilder
// |  |        |                                      |                      |
// |  |       | |new ConcreteBuilder                                         | 
// |  |       | |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|- - - - - - - - - - >| |
// |  |       | |                                                           | |
// |  |       | |new Director(aConcreteBuilder)       |                      | 
// |  |       | |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->| |                     |
// |  |       | |                                    | |                     |
// |  |       | |                                     |                      |
// |  |       | |Construct()                          |                      |
// |  |       | |----------------------------------->| |BuildPartA()         | 
// |  |       | |                                    | |------------------->| |
// |  |       | |                                    | |                    | |
// |  |       | |                                    | |                     |
// |  |       | |                                    | |BuildPartB()         | 
// |  |       | |                                    | |------------------->| |
// |  |       | |                                    | |                    | |
// |  |       | |                                    | |                     |
// |  |       | |                                    | |BuildPartC()         | 
// |  |       | |                                    | |------------------->| |
// |  |       | |                                    | |                    | |
// |  |       | |                                     |                      |
// |  |       | |GetResult()                          |                      | 
// |  |       | |-------------------------------------|-------------------->| |
// |  |       | |                                     |                     | |
// |  |        |                                      |                      |
// |  |
// |  | It lets you vary product's internal representation
// |  |  | define a new kind of builder
// |  | Isolates code for construction and representation
// |  |  | ConcreteBuilder
// |  |  |  | contains all the code
// |  |  |  |  | to create and assemble a product
// |  |  | code is written once
// |  |  |  | Directors can reuse it
// |  |  |  |  | same set of parts to build Product variants 
// |  | Finer control over the construction 
// |  |  | step by step
// |  |  |  | construction of the product under the director's control
// |  |  | finished product 
// |  |  |  | retrieved by the director from the builder
// | IMPLEMENTATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// |  | Operation for each component defined by Builder
// |  |  | does nothing by default
// |  | Assembly and construction interface
// |  |  | step-by-step fashion
// |  |  | general interface for all kinds of concrete builders
// |  |  |  | a model where
// |  |  |  |  | construction results are appended to the product
// |  |  |  |  |  | is usually sufficient 
// |  |  |  | if parts constructed earlier must be accessed
// |  |  |  |  | director receives child nodes from the builder
// |  |  |  |  |  | passes them back to the builder to build the parent nodes
// |  | No abstract class for products
// |  |  | products differ greatly
// |  |  | client is in a position to know
// |  |  |  | concrete subclass of Builder in use
// |  |  |  | can handle its products accordingly
// |  | Empty methods as default in Builder
// |  |  | clients override operations they're interested in
// | CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <SRCPatternsPatterns.mqh>
namespace Builder
class Product
   void              Add(string);
   void              Show();
   SAList            parts;
void Product::Add(string part) {parts+=part;}
void Product::Show(void) {int c=parts.Count(); for(int i=0; i<c; i++) Print(parts[i]);}
interface Builder
   void BuildPartA();
   void BuildPartB();
   void BuildPartC();
   Product* GetResult();
class Director
   void              Construct();
   Builder*          builder;
void Director::Director(Builder *b) {builder=b;}
void Director::~Director(void) {delete builder;}
void Director::Construct(void)
class ConcreteBuilder:public Builder
   void              BuildPartA();
   void              BuildPartB();
   void              BuildPartC();
   Product*          GetResult();
   Product           product;
void ConcreteBuilder::BuildPartA(void) {product.Add("Part A");}
void ConcreteBuilder::BuildPartB(void) {product.Add("Part B");}
void ConcreteBuilder::BuildPartC(void) {product.Add("Part C");}
Product* ConcreteBuilder::GetResult(void) {return &product;}
class Client:public ClientExample {public: string Output(); void Run();};
string Client::Output() {return __FUNCTION__;}
void Client::Run()
   Builder* builder=new ConcreteBuilder;
   Director director(builder);
   Product* product=builder.GetResult();
//OUTPUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Creational::Builder::Client::Output
// | Part A
// | Part B
// | Part C 
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