Color Parabolic 2 – indicator MetaTrader 5

Added colors to Parabolic SAR. The color depends on the acceleration factor.

All calculations performed inside the CParabolic class.

The functions:

  • Init(double SARStep, double SARMaximum,const double &high[],const double &low[],int totl) – initialization.
  • GetColor() – gets the color.
  • Calc(const double &high[],const double &low[],int i) – calculates the value of Parabolic at the specified bar.

The code will be useful for all who start to learn classes.

The colors are listed in the line:

#property indicator_color1  Blue,Purple,Indigo,Sienna,SteelBlue,Aqua,SpringGreen,Gold,Yellow,Linen,MintCream

This version uses 10 first colors, but it’s better to specify more colors in the list.

Color Parabolic indicator

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