Close_on_PROFIT_or_LOSS_inAccont_Currency – EA MetaTrader 4

At 0 set EA will do nothing.   

Positive_Closure_in_Account_Currency must be higher than the current Equity amount, otherwise, the trades will be executed immediately.

Example: Equity is 55000$ and Positive_Closure_in_Account_Currency set to 55500$ to gain 500$

Negative_Closure_in_Account_Currency must be lower than the current Equity amount, otherwise, the trades will be executed immediately.

Example: Equity is 55000$ and Negative_Closure_in_Account_Currency set to 54500$ to loose only 500$ 

Spread spikes can be avoided by reducing the spread number but the market will do what it wants and higher gains or losses can occure. 

Also if the spread is set lower than the average spread for the pairs traded those positions will not be executed. 

WARNING: Use this software at your own risk. The Forex market is very volatile! 

#property copyright     “Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd.”

#property link          “

#property version       “1.01”

#property description   “”

#property description   “IP 2024 – free open source”

#property description   “This EA closes all trades on Profit and Losses calculated in Account Currency.”

Alternative:   VoltyChannel_Stop_HTF - indicator MetaTrader 5

#property description   “”

#property description   “WARNING: Use this software at your own risk.”

#property description   “The creator of this script cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss.”

#property description   “”

#property strict

#property show_inputs

extern string  Closures = “EA closes all trades and pending orders when a profit or loss is reached. Profit and Losses are calculated in Account Currency.”; 

extern int Positive_Closure_in_Account_Currency     = 0; 

extern int Negative_Closure_in_Account_Currency     = 0; 

extern int Spread = 10;

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