CDownLoadHistory class – library MetaTrader 5

The CDownLoadHistory class provides the methods of historical data downloading in two modes: “visual” and “silent”.

1. Visual mode

The example of use of this mode is downloadhistoryvisualmode.mq5.

The “history download mode” input parameter can be one of two modes: “current symbol” or “all symbols from Market Watch window”:

CDownLoadHistory class

For the “All symbols from Market Watch window” mode, it will show two progress bars:

 CDownLoadHistory class

For the case if the “current symbol” mode is selected, the single progress bar will be shown:

CDownLoadHistory class

It prints the results in “Experts” tab of “Toolbox” window:

CDownLoadHistory class

2. Silent mode

The result of downloading is availiable as a return code. The silent mode can be useful in programs, where visualization is not needed. See example in downloadhistorysilentmode.mq5 script.

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It uses the CProgressBar class, described in The Price Histogram (Market Profile) and its implementation in MQL5.

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