NirvamanImax – EA MetaTrader 4

Strategy Tester Report

FXDD-MT4 Demo Server 2 (Build 224)

Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs. United States Dollar)
Period 1 Minute (M1) 2009.06.15 00:00 – 2009.06.19 23:00 (2009.06.14 – 2009.06.20)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters lots=0.1; mn=555; tp=40; sl=18; periodos=3; tiempoCierre=24900;

Bars in test 7855 Ticks modelled 73060 Modelling quality 25.00%
Mismatched charts errors 0

Initial deposit 1000.00

Total net profit 745.12 Gross profit 1257.12 Gross loss -512.00
Profit factor 2.46 Expected payoff 12.22

Absolute drawdown 15.00 Maximal drawdown 99.00 (6.36%) Relative drawdown 6.40% (81.00)

Total trades 61 Short positions (won %) 30 (60.00%) Long positions (won %) 31 (54.84%)

Profit trades (% of total) 35 (57.38%) Loss trades (% of total) 26 (42.62%)
Largest profit trade 38.00 loss trade -20.00
Average profit trade 35.92 loss trade -19.69
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 4 (151.78) consecutive losses (loss in money) 4 (-80.00)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 151.78 (4) consecutive loss (count of losses) -80.00 (4)
Average consecutive wins 3 consecutive losses


# Time Type Order Size Price S / L T / P Profit Balance
1 2009.06.15 00:17 sell 1 0.10 1.3989 1.4009 1.3951
2 2009.06.15 06:35 t/p 1 0.10 1.3951 1.4009 1.3951 38.00 1038.00
3 2009.06.15 07:07 sell 2 0.10 1.3955 1.3975 1.3917
4 2009.06.15 08:52 t/p 2 0.10 1.3917 1.3975 1.3917 38.00 1076.00
5 2009.06.15 09:06 sell 3 0.10 1.3906 1.3926 1.3868
6 2009.06.15 10:47 t/p 3 0.10 1.3868 1.3926 1.3868 38.00 1114.00
7 2009.06.15 11:00 sell 4 0.10 1.3870 1.3890 1.3832
8 2009.06.15 11:17 s/l 4 0.10 1.3890 1.3890 1.3832 -20.00 1094.00
9 2009.06.15 11:22 buy 5 0.10 1.3889 1.3869 1.3927
10 2009.06.15 11:31 s/l 5 0.10 1.3869 1.3869 1.3927 -20.00 1074.00
11 2009.06.15 11:46 sell 6 0.10 1.3881 1.3901 1.3843
12 2009.06.15 14:05 t/p 6 0.10 1.3843 1.3901 1.3843 38.00 1112.00
13 2009.06.15 14:09 buy 7 0.10 1.3844 1.3824 1.3882
14 2009.06.15 15:57 t/p 7 0.10 1.3882 1.3824 1.3882 38.00 1150.00
15 2009.06.15 16:13 buy 8 0.10 1.3875 1.3855 1.3913
16 2009.06.15 16:35 s/l 8 0.10 1.3855 1.3855 1.3913 -20.00 1130.00
17 2009.06.15 16:42 sell 9 0.10 1.3848 1.3868 1.3810
18 2009.06.15 18:00 t/p 9 0.10 1.3810 1.3868 1.3810 38.00 1168.00
19 2009.06.15 18:20 sell 10 0.10 1.3798 1.3818 1.3760
20 2009.06.15 19:29 t/p 10 0.10 1.3760 1.3818 1.3760 38.00 1206.00
21 2009.06.15 19:32 buy 11 0.10 1.3773 1.3753 1.3811
22 2009.06.16 02:27 close 11 0.10 1.3791 1.3753 1.3811 18.00 1224.00
23 2009.06.16 02:43 sell 12 0.10 1.3788 1.3808 1.3750
24 2009.06.16 03:29 t/p 12 0.10 1.3750 1.3808 1.3750 38.00 1262.00
25 2009.06.16 03:57 sell 13 0.10 1.3765 1.3785 1.3727
26 2009.06.16 04:48 s/l 13 0.10 1.3785 1.3785 1.3727 -20.00 1242.00
27 2009.06.16 05:23 sell 14 0.10 1.3809 1.3829 1.3771
28 2009.06.16 08:21 s/l 14 0.10 1.3829 1.3829 1.3771 -20.00 1222.00
29 2009.06.16 08:28 buy 15 0.10 1.3840 1.3820 1.3878
30 2009.06.16 08:38 s/l 15 0.10 1.3820 1.3820 1.3878 -20.00 1202.00
31 2009.06.16 08:42 buy 16 0.10 1.3826 1.3806 1.3864
32 2009.06.16 10:20 t/p 16 0.10 1.3864 1.3806 1.3864 38.00 1240.00
33 2009.06.16 11:08 buy 17 0.10 1.3857 1.3837 1.3895
34 2009.06.16 12:00 t/p 17 0.10 1.3895 1.3837 1.3895 38.00 1278.00
35 2009.06.16 12:06 sell 18 0.10 1.3908 1.3928 1.3870
36 2009.06.16 13:16 t/p 18 0.10 1.3870 1.3928 1.3870 38.00 1316.00
37 2009.06.16 13:51 sell 19 0.10 1.3887 1.3907 1.3849
38 2009.06.16 14:11 s/l 19 0.10 1.3907 1.3907 1.3849 -20.00 1296.00
39 2009.06.16 14:25 buy 20 0.10 1.3894 1.3874 1.3932
40 2009.06.16 15:31 t/p 20 0.10 1.3932 1.3874 1.3932 38.00 1334.00
41 2009.06.16 15:35 sell 21 0.10 1.3910 1.3930 1.3872
42 2009.06.16 16:26 t/p 21 0.10 1.3872 1.3930 1.3872 38.00 1372.00
43 2009.06.16 16:31 buy 22 0.10 1.3877 1.3857 1.3915
44 2009.06.16 16:57 s/l 22 0.10 1.3857 1.3857 1.3915 -20.00 1352.00
45 2009.06.16 17:08 sell 23 0.10 1.3868 1.3888 1.3830
46 2009.06.16 17:38 s/l 23 0.10 1.3888 1.3888 1.3830 -20.00 1332.00
47 2009.06.16 18:19 sell 24 0.10 1.3907 1.3927 1.3869
48 2009.06.16 19:33 t/p 24 0.10 1.3869 1.3927 1.3869 38.00 1370.00
49 2009.06.16 19:47 sell 25 0.10 1.3858 1.3878 1.3820
50 2009.06.17 02:09 t/p 25 0.10 1.3820 1.3878 1.3820 37.78 1407.78
51 2009.06.17 02:28 buy 26 0.10 1.3820 1.3800 1.3858
52 2009.06.17 06:44 t/p 26 0.10 1.3858 1.3800 1.3858 38.00 1445.78
53 2009.06.17 06:53 buy 27 0.10 1.3870 1.3850 1.3908
54 2009.06.17 09:27 t/p 27 0.10 1.3908 1.3850 1.3908 38.00 1483.78
55 2009.06.17 09:35 buy 28 0.10 1.3914 1.3894 1.3952
56 2009.06.17 10:13 s/l 28 0.10 1.3894 1.3894 1.3952 -20.00 1463.78
57 2009.06.17 10:25 sell 29 0.10 1.3900 1.3920 1.3862
58 2009.06.17 10:46 s/l 29 0.10 1.3920 1.3920 1.3862 -20.00 1443.78
59 2009.06.17 10:50 sell 30 0.10 1.3908 1.3928 1.3870
60 2009.06.17 11:41 t/p 30 0.10 1.3870 1.3928 1.3870 38.00 1481.78
61 2009.06.17 11:45 buy 31 0.10 1.3878 1.3858 1.3916
62 2009.06.17 12:26 s/l 31 0.10 1.3858 1.3858 1.3916 -20.00 1461.78
63 2009.06.17 12:39 sell 32 0.10 1.3865 1.3885 1.3827
64 2009.06.17 14:58 t/p 32 0.10 1.3827 1.3885 1.3827 38.00 1499.78
65 2009.06.17 15:01 buy 33 0.10 1.3836 1.3816 1.3874
66 2009.06.17 15:45 t/p 33 0.10 1.3874 1.3816 1.3874 38.00 1537.78
67 2009.06.17 16:23 buy 34 0.10 1.3877 1.3857 1.3915
68 2009.06.17 17:27 s/l 34 0.10 1.3857 1.3857 1.3915 -20.00 1517.78
69 2009.06.17 17:45 sell 35 0.10 1.3850 1.3870 1.3812
70 2009.06.17 18:01 s/l 35 0.10 1.3870 1.3870 1.3812 -20.00 1497.78
71 2009.06.17 18:06 sell 36 0.10 1.3867 1.3887 1.3829
72 2009.06.17 20:35 s/l 36 0.10 1.3887 1.3887 1.3829 -20.00 1477.78
73 2009.06.17 21:26 sell 37 0.10 1.3963 1.3983 1.3925
74 2009.06.17 21:30 s/l 37 0.10 1.3983 1.3983 1.3925 -20.00 1457.78
75 2009.06.17 21:33 sell 38 0.10 1.3972 1.3992 1.3934
76 2009.06.18 02:04 t/p 38 0.10 1.3934 1.3992 1.3934 37.34 1495.12
77 2009.06.18 02:07 buy 39 0.10 1.3937 1.3917 1.3975
78 2009.06.18 09:02 close 39 0.10 1.3938 1.3917 1.3975 1.00 1496.12
79 2009.06.18 09:03 buy 40 0.10 1.3944 1.3924 1.3982
80 2009.06.18 10:10 t/p 40 0.10 1.3982 1.3924 1.3982 38.00 1534.12
81 2009.06.18 10:26 sell 41 0.10 1.3983 1.4003 1.3945
82 2009.06.18 10:55 t/p 41 0.10 1.3945 1.4003 1.3945 38.00 1572.12
83 2009.06.18 11:10 sell 42 0.10 1.3936 1.3956 1.3898
84 2009.06.18 12:59 s/l 42 0.10 1.3956 1.3956 1.3898 -20.00 1552.12
85 2009.06.18 13:04 sell 43 0.10 1.3952 1.3972 1.3914
86 2009.06.18 14:59 t/p 43 0.10 1.3914 1.3972 1.3914 38.00 1590.12
87 2009.06.18 15:02 buy 44 0.10 1.3922 1.3902 1.3960
88 2009.06.18 15:52 t/p 44 0.10 1.3960 1.3902 1.3960 38.00 1628.12
89 2009.06.18 15:59 buy 45 0.10 1.3959 1.3939 1.3997
90 2009.06.18 17:02 t/p 45 0.10 1.3997 1.3939 1.3997 38.00 1666.12
91 2009.06.18 17:10 buy 46 0.10 1.3988 1.3968 1.4026
92 2009.06.18 17:29 s/l 46 0.10 1.3968 1.3968 1.4026 -20.00 1646.12
93 2009.06.18 18:45 sell 47 0.10 1.3964 1.3984 1.3926
94 2009.06.18 19:01 s/l 47 0.10 1.3984 1.3984 1.3926 -20.00 1626.12
95 2009.06.18 19:31 sell 48 0.10 1.3974 1.3994 1.3936
96 2009.06.18 20:48 t/p 48 0.10 1.3936 1.3994 1.3936 38.00 1664.12
97 2009.06.18 21:14 buy 49 0.10 1.3886 1.3866 1.3924
98 2009.06.19 04:09 close 49 0.10 1.3909 1.3866 1.3924 23.00 1687.12
99 2009.06.19 05:45 buy 50 0.10 1.3907 1.3887 1.3945
100 2009.06.19 08:24 t/p 50 0.10 1.3945 1.3887 1.3945 38.00 1725.12
101 2009.06.19 08:35 buy 51 0.10 1.3945 1.3925 1.3983
102 2009.06.19 09:17 s/l 51 0.10 1.3925 1.3925 1.3983 -20.00 1705.12
103 2009.06.19 09:21 buy 52 0.10 1.3930 1.3910 1.3968
104 2009.06.19 09:54 s/l 52 0.10 1.3910 1.3910 1.3968 -20.00 1685.12
105 2009.06.19 09:56 buy 53 0.10 1.3919 1.3899 1.3957
106 2009.06.19 11:39 s/l 53 0.10 1.3899 1.3899 1.3957 -20.00 1665.12
107 2009.06.19 11:46 sell 54 0.10 1.3888 1.3908 1.3850
108 2009.06.19 12:19 s/l 54 0.10 1.3908 1.3908 1.3850 -20.00 1645.12
109 2009.06.19 12:19 buy 55 0.10 1.3908 1.3888 1.3946
110 2009.06.19 14:21 t/p 55 0.10 1.3946 1.3888 1.3946 38.00 1683.12
111 2009.06.19 14:34 buy 56 0.10 1.3936 1.3916 1.3974
112 2009.06.19 15:59 s/l 56 0.10 1.3916 1.3916 1.3974 -20.00 1663.12
113 2009.06.19 16:02 buy 57 0.10 1.3925 1.3905 1.3963
114 2009.06.19 16:13 s/l 57 0.10 1.3905 1.3905 1.3963 -20.00 1643.12
115 2009.06.19 16:16 buy 58 0.10 1.3916 1.3896 1.3954
116 2009.06.19 18:36 t/p 58 0.10 1.3954 1.3896 1.3954 38.00 1681.12
117 2009.06.19 18:46 buy 59 0.10 1.3971 1.3951 1.4009
118 2009.06.19 18:57 t/p 59 0.10 1.4009 1.3951 1.4009 38.00 1719.12
119 2009.06.19 19:00 sell 60 0.10 1.3997 1.4017 1.3959
120 2009.06.19 21:45 t/p 60 0.10 1.3959 1.4017 1.3959 38.00 1757.12
121 2009.06.19 22:12 buy 61 0.10 1.3957 1.3937 1.3995
122 2009.06.19 23:00 close at stop 61 0.10 1.3945 1.3937 1.3995 -12.00 1745.12
Alternative:   Expert adviser licence protection template - EA MetaTrader 4


Hi all

NirvamaiMAx works in EURUSD. I have no tested it on other currencies. Timeframe M1.

Optimization must be done all weekends with a 5 days range of data. Optimization lasts 1 WEEK.

very very basic trend following system.

no I have not tested it in a real account yet..

As allways happen with all good EAs this EA backtest is far too optimistic, but if you want to reach the rooft you have to aim the stars.

if you ever make money with this EA please give some of your fortune to the more
needed of my country. Thats fair in exchange to what I am giving to you.

here you can do your donations.
I believe in good things happen to you when you do good things to other people. (good things have happened to me the last time I did this)
just try it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
for you to work with this EA, first you have to undestand some things
1) forget about indicators and rules based on static values. is foolish to think that some specific numbers or set values will work forever. target and stoplosses must always change depending on market conditions. it only can work when you constantly optimize the EA (all weekends).
2) if you are lazy and dont optimize it ALL WEEKENDS you will lose money. optimization is very fast.


here goes the .set file. open the notpad and copy and paste the following into that notepad. the save it as nirvamanImax.set

Alternative:   PercentageCrossoverChannel_System_HTF - indicator MetaTrader 5































๐Ÿ“ˆ ROBOTFX MetaTrader Expert Advisors and Indicators to maximize profits and minimize the risks